Saturday, May 04, 2002

Urf, ate too much. This is humiliating l to write. I think it'll be a deterent from eating too much next time.

Appetizer: hashed brown from McDonalds.
Lunch: Crispy chicken sandwich from McDonalds. Fries (not the whole carton, but it's not like I only ate a few either). A chicken fajita. Some weird carbonated orange drink, coffee.

Afternoon: McDonalds apple pie. Two eggrolls.

Dinner: Rice. Fried tofu. Salmon. Corn. Choy shim. Soup with potatoes, carrots, and beef in it.

Friday, May 03, 2002

Just to note, I'm going to edit the post of each previous day to put in what I ate for dinner if I blog in the afternoon.

Lunch: A granola bar. A can of V8.

Fifth Period: A piece of brocoli from Nick's Chinese carryout. I told you it was going to be on here.

Dinner: A bowl of rice, some leftover stuffed tofu. Fried tofu. (But... it's tasty!) Choy shim. Salmon. Corn. Some weird egg product that I don't know how to translate into English.

Later: Two eggroll cookie things.

My not really eating anything from lunch until dinner is not that amazing, considering I fell asleep (read: passed out) in the afternoon.

Thursday, May 02, 2002

Um. Today. I had.

Lunch: A granola bar. A few fries from a small fries carton, the majority of which Puffy ate. I don't blame him. It was his money. A can of V8.

Now: A bowl/cup of rice/noodles. It was a cylindrically shaped tupperware thingy. An eggroll (not a Chinese carryout eggroll, but like sweet kinds you buy in tin boxes). Random stealing from a Red Lobster carryout carton that isn't mine- some potato (?) salad, salmon, baby carrots/squash. Um, sampling. Righto.

Dinner: Bowl of rice with stuffed tofu and stuffed eggplants. Whee!
Look at my beautiful low fat blog.