This is the blog with stuff I eat. Yes, every day I'm writing down what I eat. I figure that this way if I humiliate myself enough I can keep my fucking weight down.
Lunch: Dumplings without wraps
Dinner: Tomatoes and onions
Day 15 (February 18, 2003)
Breakfast: grilled fish fillet
Lunch: Fried dumplings, pieces of chocolate (yes, I'm cheating, I know, but the blizzard is driving me nuts foodwise.)
Dinner: Wintermelon soup with mushrooms
Dinner: Chinese hotpot. Throwing random stuff into a pot of boiling water (beef strips, shrimp, chicken strips, pork strips, various leafy vegetables, stuffed fishballs, tofu.) With peanut oil, a raw egg, soy sauce, hot pepper sauce.
I enjoy eating things made of carbon, which is the tastiest element, and drinking di-hydrogen monoxide. I also enjoy viewing the upside-down images projected onto my retina. In my spare time I exploit the proletariat and club baby seals. With other baby seals. As you can see, I have many varied interests. I think we have a lot in common.